DEFINITION: An adverb is a word used to describe or modify a verb, an adjective or another adverbs. They tell us how (in what manner), how much (in what degree), how far (to what extent), when (in what time), and where (in what place). They are called 'adverb questions'. 4,000 Useful Adverbs: - NOTE: All of the following words are definitely used as adverbs, but many of them can also be used as nouns, verbs, etc. -- Useful Adverbs -- 'A'--- 1. abashedly, 2. aberrantly, 3. abhorrently, 4. abidingly, 5. abjectly, 6. ably, 7. abnormally, 8. aboard, 9. abominably, 10. abortively, 11. about, 12. above, 13. above board, 14. abrasively, 15. abroad, 16. abruptly, 17. absently, 18. absent-mindedly, 19. absolutely, 20. absorbedly, 21. absorbingly, 22. abstemiously, 23. abstinently, 24. abstractedly, 25. abstractly, 26. absurdly, 27. abundantly, 28. abusively, 29. abysmally, 30. academically, 31. acceptably, 32. acceptingly, 33. accessibly, 34. accidentally, 35. accommodatingly, 36. accomplishedly, 37. accordingly, 38. accountably, 39. accumulatively, 40. accurately, 41. accursedly, 42. accusatorily, 43. accusingly, 44. achingly, 45. acidly, 46. acoustically, 47. acquiescently, 48. acquisitively, 49. acrimoniously, 50. acrobatically, 51. across, 52. actionably, 53. actively, 54. actually, 55. acutely, 56. adamantly, 57. adaptively, 58. addictively, 59. additionally, 60. adeptly, 61. adequately, 62. adherently, 63. adhesively, 64. adjacently, 65. adjectivally, 66. adjustably, 67. administratively, 68. admirably, 69. admiringly, 70. admissibly, 71. admittedly, 72. adolescently, 73. adoptively, 74. adorably, 75. adoringly, 76. adroitly, 77. adulterously, 78. advantageously, 79. adventitiously, 80. adventurously, 81. adverbially, 82. adversely, 83. advisably, 84. advisedly, 85. aerially, 86. aerobically, 87. aeronautically, 88. aesthetically, 89. affably, 90. affectedly, 91. affectionately, 92. affectively, 93. affirmatively, 94. affluently, 95. affordably, 96. afoul, 97. afterwards, 98. again, 99. agedly, 100. agelessly, 101. aggregately, 102. aggressively, 103. aggrievedly, 104. agitatedly, 105. agonizingly, 106. agreeably, 107. agriculturally, 108. ahead, 109. aimlessly, 110. airlessly, 111. alarmingly, 112. alcoholically, 113. alertly, 114. algebraically, 115. alike, 116. all, 117. all right, 118. allegorically, 119. allowably, 120. alluringly, 121. allusively, 122. almost, 123. aloft, 124. along, 125. aloofly, 126. aloud, 127. alphabetically, 128. alphanumerically, 129. alright, 130. alterably, 131. alternately, 132. alternatively, 133. altogether, 134. always, 135. amateurishly, 136. amazedly, 137. amazingly, 138. ambidextrously, 139. ambiguously, 140. ambitiously, 141. ambivalently, 142. amenably, 143. amiably, 144. amicably, 145. amiss, 146. amok, 147. amorally, 148. amorously, 149. amorphously, 150. amphibiously, 151. amusedly, 152. amusingly, 153. analogously, 154. analytically, 155. anarchically, 156. anatomically, 157. anciently, 158. androgynously, 159. anecdotally, 160. anemically, 161. anesthetically, 162. angelically, 163. angrily, 164. angularly, 165. anhydrously, 166. animatedly, 167. annoyingly, 168. annually, 169. annularly, 170. anomalously, 171. anonymously, 172. answerably, 173. antagonistically, 174. antecedently, 175. anthropocentrically, 176. anthropomorphically, 177. anticipatorily, 178. antipathetically, 179. antiseptically, 180. antisocially, 181. antithetically, 182. anxiously, 183. any, 184. anyway, 185. apart, 186. apathetically, 187. aphoristically, 188. apishly, 189. apocalyptically, 190. apocryphally, 191. apolitically, 192. apologetically, 193. apoplectically, 194. apostolically, 195. appallingly, 196. apparently, 197. appealingly, 198. appellatively, 199. appetizingly, 200. applicably, 201. appositely, 202. appreciably, 203. appreciatively, 204. apprehensively, 205. approachably, 206. appropriately, 207. approvingly, 208. approximately, 209. aptly